Migrating implies facing the urgency of finding a habitable place to live while at the same time facing the process of letting go of the places that had previously defined our identity. In Berlin, the housing crisis is undeniable and affects us permanently. In this context it becomes complex to found and maintain spaces of rest and relaxation where we can express ourselves and continue to discover who we are.
Through deep listening exercises, self-massages and the design of collective fictions, our workshop proposal consisted of building a Siestaria, a community space of rest and reverie. In this shared territory, we developed relaxation, self-perception and self-care practices for migrant identities.
Prioritizing to be present in the subtle, the affective and the contact, we talked with each other and with our dreams to think about the particularities of a Siestaria that embraces and roots us. A space for everyone that, at the same time, represents each one of us.
What do we migrants dream about when we want to rest?
Sleeping amazes us for its indecipherable and, at the same time, essential quality. The siesta, in particular, has the added bonus of being a more capricious sleep, extra, with the taste of a prize. It is a subtle rebellion against a system that prioritizes production, doing as much as possible and extreme effort as a virtue. The nap puts a brake on this duty to be and allows us to cut the day to get into that world of the incomprehensible, own and powerful. It gives us information through dreams, helps us to process and digest what happens to us, connects us with the unknown and invites us, for a while, to live fantasies and situations that in physical reality, with our bodies, become very difficult or even impossible. We may remember minimal fragments of these adventures, but they have happened. We like to think of this irrational unfolding of our personal universe as a moment in which our deepest forms are filtered, a territory to which we can always return.
During the sessions, we made a series of photogrammetries, also known as 3D scans, as a method of documentation complementary to traditional audio-visual media as a way of linking the previows and following editions of Siestaria into a virtual map.